Written by jjk
Wednesday, 05 April 2017 20:32 |
The LeagueA collegue of mine has developed a website for our internal company tabletennis league that is based on the elo rating system. His website uses socketIO and ist quite nice to use. But for myself and some other guys it was a little bit difficult to remember all set values if we played in our free time. The IdeaSo an idea came to my mind that we have a battery pwoered device at the table tennis field to send the points directly to the server. The fact that each of us has his own rfid tag at the keyring just made it clear to use them as an identification token for the player. |
Last Updated on Monday, 10 April 2017 20:32 |
Written by jjk
Saturday, 21 November 2015 20:41 |
Die aktuellste Version jetzt immer hier auf dieser Seite. 
Download hier: Lunartec Songpresenter 2.0.9 Eine Liste der Änderungen (Changelog) findet Ihr nach dem Weiterlesen Link Die LED Anzeige selber kann man z.B. bei Amazon oder bei Pearl bestellen. |
Last Updated on Saturday, 04 January 2020 21:47 |
Written by jjk
Friday, 27 March 2015 13:17 |
I needed a rc switch very qick and i wanted to build it with the material that was available. Also the detection of the pwm input signal from the rc receiver is far the complexed part in software. To come to a quick and easy solution i choosed to program the small attiny13 microcontroller with the arduino ide. This is possible with some small modifications.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 15 May 2018 15:22 |
Written by jjk
Thursday, 05 March 2015 16:18 |
Nach langer Zeit gibt es eine neue Version des Lunartec Songpresenter. Aktuell ist es 2.0.3 2.0.5 2.0.6 die soweit alle Grundfunktionen unterstützt. Es ist eine komplette Neuentwicklung um auch auf 64bit Windows Systemen zu laufen. Mehr Informationen findet Ihr unter Lunartec Songpresenter
Last Updated on Wednesday, 09 May 2018 20:46 |
Written by jjk
Wednesday, 17 December 2014 21:00 |
It's a pitty if you lost your product key for windows and can't find it to reinstall your system. As the informations from the windows system information page are encrypted, you can't use them directly as you need a product key instead of the "DigitalProductId". As i'm currenty facing this issue, and i can't find a java implementation of the decrypt algorithm, i created my own from C# resources i found. |
Last Updated on Friday, 19 December 2014 12:51 |
Written by jjk
Tuesday, 04 February 2014 19:59 |
Als Recycling Option für die Komponenten meines in die Tage gekommenen FPV Copters, wollte ich mal etwas neues ausprobieren. Es wäre zu viel Arbeit gewesen dem alten Copter noch neue Aluarme zu verpassen, da an dem alten Rahmen wirklich alle Schrauben entfernt werden müssen um einen Arm zu wechseln. Da ich den Copter sowieso auseinander nehmen musste, habe ich also geplant einen neuen Rahmen zu bauen.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 11 February 2014 20:12 |
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